15 June 2009

Welcome To The RAF Mildenhall Blog!

My name is Marnie and I have been an Air Force wife for 12 years. My husband is currently stationed in England at RAF Mildenhall. We've lived here for 3 1/2 years. When we got orders to move here in 2005, I searched the internet looking for general information about the area and the base, as I had many questions. Unfortunately, I think I was only able to find one website, and it didn't answer very many of my questions. As a result, we encountered innumerable problems once we arrived here. My goal is to hopefully help those that are on their way here, and to keep those that are already here informed about local events and general information. We have loved living here and just want to be able to share what we've learned and experienced with others. So, I hope you find this information helpful and please email any questions (or suggestions, concerns, etc.) to rafmildenhallblog@hotmail.co.uk. I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. This is a wealth of information. We just moved to England a few months ago and I wish I would have found this when we were getting ready to move. Thanks for posting all this info!!!!! :)

  2. You have a lot of info on here that has helped. We fly out 26 March and I am so excited to get back overseas .. but thank you for all this info ..

  3. Thank for the past organization! I still share your blog with newcomers to this day. It just sheds a little light on an unknown adventure.


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