18 June 2009


The BIG question that everyone asks when moving to England - "Where should we live?". Well, that's really up to you. Some people love living in base housing, while others love living away from base in a British home. During our time here, we have lived in both. And, personally, I prefer the British home we live in now. Not that there was anything wrong with our base house (there wasn't), again, it's just our personal preference. There are new base homes currently being built on RAF Lakenheath (which RAF Mildenhall people are eligible to live in). However, there is also an extensive waiting list for those homes. Once you're in England, one of your first stops will be the housing office. They will have a current list of available on base and off base housing. I advise going to look at several houses before making your decision. On the other hand, don't wait too long to choose because homes go quickly. Ultimately, you'll just have to make the decision whether on or off base housing is right for you. I'll do a quick rundown...

Base Housing:
  • You don't pay rent/utilities
  • Close to base/commissary/BX (if you choose ON base housing)
  • Neighbors are all military/familiar faces
  • You get a full-sized washer/dryer! (I do miss that!)
  • And a full-sized refrigerator
  • A few American 110v outlets (in most houses)

British Housing
  • You do pay rent/utilities (but the military gives you a housing allowance to do so. If you go over the amount they give you, it comes out of your pocket).
  • Great British neighbors - most are so curious about Americans . Basically, if you're nice, they're nice. They also have a lot of questions... which we're happy to answer!
  • Getting to know the village you're living in. I live about 25 minutes from the base and regularly use the local market and stores instead of driving all the way to base. Again, the locals can be so friendly when you get out there and meet them!
  • Getting to experience a completely different type of house than you'd ever find in the States. No American outlets here, but if you buy a few converters, you'll be fine!
  • Getting involved in the local community. There are always plenty of festivals, concerts, etc. going on and it's easier to hear about these things when you live in the villages.

Some helpful links if you're interested in renting a house off base:

Up My Street (Thanks, Sam!)


  1. Hi. My husband just got orders for RAF Mildenhall. Thank you for this blogspot!! We want to experience British living so have decided to live off base. Again thank you for this!!

  2. While searing for a house, make sure you use www.upmystreet.com to check out your local neighborhood stats, find local schools, crime stats etc.
    Shoot me an e-mail if you want more info.


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